
Jaime is the owner of Lav and Lox studio. She has taken 13 classes over 8+ years and is certified through Revolashion, ebl lashes, Sugarlash Pro, and Maven Artistry.

She offers a variety of lash services though a dark lash line is always a win in her book. She likes to use a variety of styles to meet all of her client’s wants and needs. She specializes in eye shaping and styling. Jaime loves to build a relationship with her clients through chats about food, traveling, or being a true crime junkie…

Another passion of hers is teaching classes to up and coming lash artists to help launch, develop, and grow their careers in this ever-changing industry.

When she isn’t at work, you can find her cooking up a storm in the kitchen, playing with her two dogs, or planning her next travel adventure.

“It’s amazing how your perspective can change when you pamper yourself a bit…it’s all self care. If I can make someone feel beautiful, that’s a good day!”


  • Classic Lashes are going to be our most natural looking lash option. Classic lashes are one individual lash extension for each one of your natural lashes. Classic lashes will make your lashes appear fuller and thicker…think what they look like with really great mascara on.

  • Volume lashes are made up of hand-made fans. Each fan is comprised of 2-6+ finer lash extension. This is what gives a really full, textured look. Volume lashes can be customized to look lighter or denser depending your desired outcome.

  • One-on-one instruction and training for emerging Lash Artists ready to take their career to the next level.

  • Classes on Classic and Volume lashing for Lash Artists of various experience levels. Learn everything from techniques to marketing with the goal of expanding your business and developing further skills.

  • Lav and Linx permanent jewelry is seamless, dainty jewelry that is welded onto your wrist, ankle, neck, or even finger. It requires zero maintenance and leaves you with a no-fuss piece of jewelry to enjoy. Kids bracelets are only for children between the ages of 3-10 years old.